Employment and Enterprise Support
Mpower People delivers Business Start-Up Support for those going self-employed for the first time or Sole Traders seeking Business Advice and guidance and Employment Support for those looking for work. Currently as part of our ESF funded project “Mpowered Progress” we are offering flexible support around your needs.*
Business Surgery
Mpower People delivers a Business Surgery, by appointment at our Gateway Conference Centre, 75 London Road, Liverpool, L3 8HY site.
Please contact Michelle, email or call 07868166449 for an appointment.
CV Writing
Mpower People can help you create a CV or review one that you already have, as part of our “Mpowered Progress” project* and can help you look for work and improve your skills in order to increase your employability potential.
Mpower People can help you with training or advice on how to manage your personal finances.
ICT/Basic Online Skills
Mpower People CIC is an Online Centre and can teach you how to use your smart phone, tablet or laptop. If you want to learn how to stay safe online, develop online skills and protect your identity get in touch for an appointment with one of our Digital Champions. We have a patient, friendly team who can support you, usually with a cuppa and a biscuit!
Lifestyle Management Techniques
Mpower People delivers a variety of training sessions on topics such as:
Self-confidence boosting
Time Management
Fuel Poverty Reduction
Stress-management techniques
*ESF Project criteria includes:
You must be:
Aged 19+, Unemployed, Merseyside Resident, not on Furlough or in Full time education